Launching of Tanzania Travelogue at the Dar es Salaam French Alliance

Launching of Tanzania Travelogue (English, French and Swahili versions), 1st volume of the collection The World of Women,  will be held at the Alliance Française in Dar es Salaam on April 16th 2015.


Tanzania Travelogue: pre-order your copy !

Pre-order your copy of Tanzania Travelogue online.

Discover Tanzania through the eyes and experiences of women.

Pre-order a copy: here


The World of Women: collection co-published by Editions d’en bas (CH) and WaW

We have sign up a co-publishing contract with Éditions d’en bas, a Swiss based publisher, to launch the collection The World of Women in April 2015.

We are proud of this partnership. Éditions d’en bas is also member of the International Alliance of independent publishers, composed of six linguistic networks covering five continents; they take part in solidarity co-publishing projects under the Fair Trade Book label.

The World of Women Collection

The World of Women Collection

Collection The world of women

The collection that makes you discover the world through the eyes and experiences of women

Information and pre-orders for the first volume Tanzania Travelogue will be online October 20th 2014

Tanzania Travelogue Collection The World of Women

Tanzania Travelogue Collection The World of Women

Vicky Ntetema wins bravery award for BBC albino report

Our reporter Hilary Tagg  has met with the brave Tanzanian journalist Vicky Ntetema who has won an international award for her BBC reports on the murder of albinos. The International Women’s Media Foundation gave her a Courage in Journalism Award for her investigation.

Before the publishing of the original interview that will be published in Spring 2015 in  Travelogue Tanzania, first volume of the collection The world of women, click here for more information.

Vicky Ntetema

Vicky Ntetema

Seaweed Center, our partner in Zanzibar, contributes to increase women’s income

Seaweed is the 2nd largest industry in  Zanzibar after tourism. Around 15’000 women work in seaweed farming. Making less than 2USD per day on average. Seaweed is exported to Europe, America and Asia. The Seaweed Center in Zanzibar manufactures higher value skin products significantly increasing women’s income.

Hilary Tagg, writer and editor for the collection the World of women

Hilary Tagg, writer and editor, has joined our team to collaborate on “Travelling to Tanzania” book, first volume of “The world of women” collection that we’ll be launched in Spring 2015.

Hilary Tag

Hilary Tagg

Art Kern Company sponsor of Tanzania travelogue

A warm thanks to Pascale, Serge and Guillaume Ruedin, owners and managers of Art Kern SA company in Geneva (Switzerland). By sponsoring Tanzania travelogue that will be published in Spring 2015, they are contributing to economic and social empowerment of women in Tanzania.

Art Kern

Collaboration with Maasai Association

We are happy to announce our collaboration with Maasai Association and share their motto with you: A Maasai without culture is as a zebra without stripes Click on picture below to visit Maasai association website:

© Maasai Association

© Maasai Association

Women in action Worldwide meeting in Yangon

Women in action Worldwide meeting in Yangon to work on Women’s voice collection project and edit pictures with itinerant photographer Giuseppe Salerno.

Yangon 2014, meeting with photographer

Yangon 2014, meeting with photographer